Source: News Bharati |
DIVERSITY-USA, a Think Tank on
Minority Issues from USA has sent a letter (dated 17 April) to UNO
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in which UN’s role and ignorance of the
factual situation in J&K has been strongly criticised. The letter
condemns the demand of UN to repeal the Armed Forces (Jammu &
Kashmir) Special Power Act.
The letter points out recent public
statement by U.N Special Rapporteur Christof Heyns who has demanded that
India should repeal ‘The Armed Forces Special Powers Act’ (AFSPA), from
militant and terrorist infected areas in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)
State and in its other States in the North Eastern Region since such
laws had no role in a democracy.
DIVERSITY-USA Chairman Dr. Jagan N Kaul
has stated that UN rapporteur Heyns has ignored the existing ground
realities and favored Jihadists and terrorists as against the people
craving for peace and normalcy. Asking India to repeal AFSPA, which in
actuality means restoring the freedom of terrorists, Islamists and
militants, the UN has betrayed the peace loving people of Kashmir who
have waited for more than six decades for the removal of occupation of
their territory by the external aggressors that include Pakistan and
China and for unification of the State.
Kaul demands that the UN should be
supporting the victims of Jihad, militancy, terrorism and those who
genuinely aspire for a durable peace and tranquility in the region. He
further says that if the goal of the UN is to crush and defeat terrorism
then despite the short sighted ideas of its keepers and the temptation
of petro-dollars the world body’s present policy must be turned upside
The letter gives ample of examples from
the history of UN betrayals in Kashmir. It states that UN betrayed
Kashmiris by not recognising the accession of J&K State to the
Republic of India legally and constitutionally executed by Maharaja Hari
Singh, the ruler of the state, on Oct. 26, 1947. The accession enjoyed
over whelming support of the people and their leader Sheikh Abdullah.
The UN showed hesitation to remove
illegal occupation of J&K territories by Pakistan and China and
never acted against the aggressors for radically altering the status quo
in the occupied territories. The maintenance of status quo was a
binding requirement under the provisions of the Security Council
Resolution passed on March 30, 1951 says Kaul in his letter to UN.
He continues alleging UN that it never
demanded Pakistan, which has proved to be an epicenter of Islamic Jihad,
to first demolish and destroy the terrorist training camps, Jihad
factories and militant organs set up throughout the PoK and Pak
frontiers for destroying peace and tranquility in J&K.
DIVERSITY-USA charges UN for betraying
Kashmiries for not wiping out Pakistan led Mujahideen, Taliban, Al
Qaeda, locally built Huriyat and other Islamist organizations for
infiltrating in to J&K, launching Islamic crusade, ethnic cleansing,
genocide, expelling more than a million ethnic minorities, becoming
instrumental for killing more 100,000 Kashmiris with terrorist, Jihadi
and militant attacks.
It also alleged that the UN allowed
Pakistan-led Islamists from taking forcible control of all movable and
immovable properties, businesses, institutions, jobs and professions
belonging to ethnic minorities (Hindus) in the Indian part of Kashmir
and ignored destroying and looting of hundreds of temples and places of
worship belonging to non-Muslim minorities and took control of their
The letter says that the UN never
recognised the ousted non-Muslim minorities of Kashmir as refugees
and/or internally displaced persons. It did not provide them necessary
aid and relief as it had done in other places nor did it take any action
towards restoring their human rights, civil, property, religious and
political rights.
Countless appeals, petitions and
representations have been ignored by various organs of the UN including
your office and the Human Rights Commission brought no relief, claims
More importantly, UN is now asking India
to repeal AFSPA without realising its consequences in the region. AFSPA
is an act to enable certain special powers to be conferred upon members
of the armed forces in the disturbed areas in the State of Jammu and
Letter says that accepting the UN demand
would mean allowing Islamists, separatists to convert the Kashmir
Valley into yet another Islamabad, Kabul and Kandahar. Pak-agents and
Islamic militants have welcomed and celebrated the UN announcement are
already enjoying freedom to function without any restrictions as long as
they remain peaceful and non-violent says Kaul in his letter.
The UN has been dealing with the Kashmir
issue ever since the formation of India and Pakistan. Notably the role
of the world body relevant to this issue during the past 63 years has
been disgustingly poor, irrational and hugely guided by the wishes and
desires of the cold war antagonists, says DIVERSITY-USA.
It has appealed UN saying that the
patriotic people of Kashmir have suffered enormous losses of lives and
properties at the hands of terrorists yet the UN wants India to restore
their freedom and claimed that UN does not hesitate to support
terrorists, Islamists, murderers and plunderers if its manipulators ask
it to do so.
The Think Tank also contended that the
UN did not punish and extract a heavy price from Pakistan nor clipped
its wings after it launched one after the other unprovoked wars against
India in1948, 1965, 1971, and 1999 to take forcible control of Kashmir.
Similarly it kept mum on the ethnic cleansing in PoK driven by Pak
supported islamic militancy where the population of non-Muslims
(Pandits, Sikhs, Dogras, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and others) used
to be 20 to 25%. Today there is not a single member of these communities
left there. In characteristic Islamist method they were killed, driven
out of the country or forcibly converted to Islam. The UN betrayed
Kashmiris by not taking stern action against Pakistan when in 1963 it
concluded an illegal boundary agreement with China and bartered away
more than 5180 square kilometers forming Kashmir territory to gain
Chinese support against India.
Addressing to the plight of Hindu
Kashmiri refugees, Diversity-USA has suggested one of the major steps
forward in defeating terrorism in Kashmir would be to resettle the
victims of Islamic Jihad back in their traditional habitat, in a
territory carved out for their homeland under their own authority and
away from militant Wahabi fundamentalism which has been the root cause
of communal upheaval and genocide.
DIVERSITY-USA has given numerous
examples and logics to for its claim of betrayal by the UN towards the
people of Jammu and Kashmir. Jagan Kaul has invoked United Nations to
stand by the patriotic Kashmiris who are determined to defeat and bury
Wahabbism and its Jihadi arms.
On 19th January 1990, terrorism became
so rampant that hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri Hindus didn't have any
option but to leave their homes and become refugees in their own
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